Archive for the ‘Firm’ Category

Organic SEO – The Google ‘Sweet Spot’

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing one’s website to improve the position in which the website will appear within the search results obtained from a search engine based on specific keyword phrases.

To operate a business today without the benefit of an online presence is very difficult. The convenience and abundance of information available over the Internet has created an expectation that any serious business should have a website providing at minimum contact information and a basic description of the services and/or products they have available.

Today nearly every business regardless of size or field of business has some sort of web site or blog available online. For the consumer this is a fantastic resource, available 24 hours a day and in the privacy of the home as well.

For the business owner having a repository to post detailed information about the services one provides, business philosophy, product catalogues, pictures, videos, and detailed descriptions of products including prices, provides a fantastic marketing opportunity.

Herein lies the rub; every single competing business owner knows these same facts. Even for somewhat obscure business’ there can be literally thousands of (if not more) competing web sites, providing similar products or services, vying for the same top billing spots.

When the average consumer decides to look up a business on the Internet 69.5 percent of the time he or she will use Google to perform the search (according to research firm Hitwise for f.y.2008). Yahoo and Microsoft make up the majority of the remaining search queries with AOL coming in a distant 4th (although AOL actually uses Google’s results).

According to marketing research conducted by Chitika, a search based advertising network, the top ‘organic’ position in Google drove 34.35% of all traffic in the sample. This was almost equal to the combined traffic from positions 2 through 5, and was more than the combined total of positions 5 through 20. Organic spot number 1 is worth almost exactly double what organic spot number 2 is worth, and the drop is precipitous thereafter.  This is what I like to call the Google ‘Sweet Spot’.

Achieving that coveted number 1 organic spot on Google for a specific keyword phrase can double the amount of traffic a website can expect to receive over the second position. For an online business today, with margins as small as they are now, this could be the difference between business success and business failure.

Hiring an SEO Firm – 10 Tips

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

If you are considering hiring someone to do SEO or search engine optimization for your business website make sure that you know what questions to ask and understand what it is that you are going to be getting for your money. Below is a list of 10 basic rules to SEO.

  1. The first rule to SEO is a good solid website design.  Make sure that the firm you are considering hiring is going to analyze your website to ensure that all of the onsite SEO structure is set up correctly on your website itself before any other strategies are embarked upon.
  2. There are many companies out there that are offering ‘backlinking’ as a means of achieving SEO, and although backlinking can be employed as part of an SEO strategy, it is merely one piece of the puzzle so to speak.  Backlinking alone will never get your website to the top of Google, Yahoo or Bing, especially if it is merely random links strewn out across the internet with no plan or context.
  3. Ensure that the firm that you hire understands how to use backlinking in its proper context and effectively so that you are not wasting your resources on a strategy that will not produce results.
  4. Ask to speak to a client that has had successful results through the use of the firm’s SEO strategy in the past (ask for references).
  5. Proper SEO should include high quality content included in the body of your website and posted at various authority external websites that link back to your website.  This is the most effective way to ensure your website is viewed as an authority in your field of expertise.
  6. Ask to view reference sites that include content that has been authored by the SEO firm or written for them for their client.
  7. Finding the correct keyword phrases to target is the next most important aspect to effective SEO.  Choosing either keyword phrases that are already in an overly competitive niche or do not have significant search volume can render your SEO attempts ineffectual.
  8. A good SEO firm will provide you with keyword analysis in your field of business to provide you with options on which keyword phrases to focus your SEO efforts upon.
  9. Be sure to ask for an analysis of competing websites and an estimate of your websites chances to improve placement and cost in doing so and approximate expectation of the time it will take to achieve the improvement.
  10. Be sure to get everything in writing in contract form.

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