Archive for August 1st, 2010

San Antonio SEO | San Antonio Internet Marketing

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

What is SEO and why do I need it? – SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization.  What this means, in a nutshell, is the process of improving the likelihood that your website will be one of the first results displayed by a search engine, based on the keywords used to generate the search.

Google and Yahoo – By far the vast majority of computer users out there use one of the major search engines: Google, Yahoo, or Bing to locate goods and services online.  Therefore, most SEO is geared towards achieving the best ‘Page Ranks’ on Google, Yahoo or possibly Bing. 

‘Page Rank’ – is the term used to quantify a websites’ authority on the internet.  ‘Page Rank’ is a number between 0 and 10, with ten being the highest possible score.  The more authority a website is deemed to have, the higher the ‘Page Rank’ and the higher the website will appear in the search query results.

Typically – the average computer user does not look further than the second or maybe the third page of search results when querying the internet for a business or service.  Most people assume if a business is within the first page or two of results then that business must be doing something better than the ones that get listed below it.

In Fact – According to research group Chitika, a search based advertising network, the top ‘organic’ position in Google drove 34.35% of all traffic in the sample. This was almost equal to the combined traffic from positions 2 through 5, and was more than the combined total of positions 5 through 20. Organic spot number 1 is worth almost exactly double what organic spot number 2 is worth, and the drop is precipitous thereafter.  

Clearly – if you plan to generate leads or increase business through the Internet by means of your website, it is critical that your website appear near the top of the list for the keywords associated with your business or service.

SEO – A Strategic Investment – The exact actual algorithm that Google and to a lesser extent Yahoo use to determine ‘Page Rank’ is known only to them and is a closely guarded proprietary secret.  However, enough is known generally about the criteria that the search engines deem important to ‘Page Rank’, that effective SEO is still possible assuming the correct strategy is followed.

There Really is no ‘Trick’ or ‘Secret’ – that will land you on the first spot on Google overnight (assuming you discount unique, rarely used, keyword phrases).   Now I know there are going to be some of you reading this article saying, ‘What about this trick or that trick that I read about on ‘Blue Hat’ or ‘Black Hat’ forums?”.  Well, this article is focused on the techniques that someone would use for an actual business website, not some SEO affiliate marketing site, and I will only discuss ‘White Hat SEO’.

Implementing – a complete, comprehensive, SEO ‘strategy’ is the key to improving ‘Page Rank’ and it takes time and some work.  The days of being able to simply ‘keyword stuff’ or use hidden content to boost page ranking is over.  Search engines are far more ‘intelligent’ today and effective SEO requires actual meaningful content pages, social networking, social bookmarking, articles submissions, and a focused marketing effort.

Start With a Solid Website Design – The first and most important factor in SEO is a well structured and well written website design.  This is the foundation upon which everything else is going to be built.  Trying to do SEO on a poor website design is like building a castle on quicksand!  No matter how hard you work at keeping things together, eventually it will all fall apart.

Marketing & Patience – Assuming that you have a solid website design the next step is doing a little market research.  It’s important to know what ‘keywords’ to optimize for.  Search volume is a very important factor in determining keyword focus.  There would not be much point in trying to focus on a keyword phrase if no one is searching for those keywords!  A determination needs to be made on two or maybe three keyword phrases that best describe your business or service.  Focusing on these keyword phrases will give you a ‘niche’ that you can target aggressively. 

How Long is this Going to Take? – Ok, so now that you have started a comprehensive SEO strategy, how long is it going to take before you will see results?  To be realistic, expect 1 to 6 months of intense SEO and marketing efforts before real significant results are going to be realized.  Remember, this is a long term solution and needs to be thought of as an investment.  Relax and be patient, the rewards of an effective SEO campaign and marketing strategy are too numerous to list!

San Antonio SEO

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Ten Basic Rules to SEO – Hiring The Right Firm

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

If one is considering hiring an outside firm to perform SEO services (Search Engine Optimization) to help market their Online Business or Website there are several questions that need to be asked and some general concepts that should be understood to help make an informed decision while choosing a qualified firm.  Below is a list of 10 basic rules to SEO and hiring the right firm.

  1. The first rule to SEO is a good solid website design.  Make sure that the firm that is being considered has discussed and is aware of the many on-site SEO techniques that are essential to ensuring the website itself is SEF (Search Engine Friendly).  If the website is not designed utilizing the correct SEF strategy than it is much more difficult and in extreme cases may not be possible at all, to achieve significant SEO results.  SEF url’s, the correct keyword density, and logical Meta-Tag and Meta-Description information are a few of the on-site SEO pieces that should be employed before any other strategies are embarked upon.
  2. There are many companies out there that are offering ‘backlinking’ as a means of achieving SEO, and although back-linking can be employed as part of an SEO strategy, it is merely one piece of the puzzle so to speak.  Back-linking alone will never get a website to the top of Google, Yahoo or Bing, especially if it is merely random links strewn out across the Internet with no plan or context.
  3. Ensure that the firm that is being considered understands how to use backlinking in its proper context and effectively so that valuable resources are not wasted on a strategy that will not produce results.
  4. Ask to speak to a client that has had successful results through the use of the firm’s SEO strategy in the past (ask for references).
  5. Proper SEO should include high quality content included in the body of the website and posted at various authority external websites that link back to the target website.  This is the most effective way to ensure the website is viewed as an authority in it’s area of expertise.
  6. Ask to view reference sites that include content that has either been authored by the SEO firm or has been written for them for their client(s) by them.
  7. Determining the correct keyword phrases to target is the next most important aspect to effective SEO.  Choosing either keyword phrases that are already in an overly competitive niche or do not have significant search volume can render any SEO attempts ineffectual.
  8. A good SEO firm will provide a keyword analysis in the area of expertise for the web site’s key area of business to provide suitable options as to which keyword phrase or phrases should be focused upon to achieve the most effective SEO results.
  9. Be sure to ask for an analysis of competing websites and an estimate of the expected amount of improvement related to Google, Yahoo, and Bing and the cost in doing so along with an approximate expectation of the duration of time it will take to achieve the improvement.
  10. Most importantly, be sure to get everything in writing and in signed contract form.

San Antonio SEO


SEO 101 – Start with the Basics

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing one’s website to improve the position in which the website will appear within the search results obtained from a search engine based on specific keyword phrases.  The exact formula for achieving this result effectively and efficiently is a much talked about and debated issue.  However, there is at least consensus on the basic approach to improving position and for anyone who owns an online business it is just about imperative to follow these basic techniques for there to be any hope of appearing somewhere on the first or second page of Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

First, foremost and most importantly is the basic design and structure of the actual website itself.  A carefully planned out, user friendly, logical, and straightforward landing page or home page is essential.  In addition, maintaining a structured, easy to navigate, uncluttered and not overly complicated web design results in lower bounce rates.  It is very useful to actually layout the design of the website on paper before any computer design work even begins.  Using a graphical flowchart also greatly helps keep things organized and makes the design much easier to understand for anyone who will eventually be involved in the design, coding or implementation of the final project.  A flowchart is basically just a simple graphical representation utilizing directional lines, graphical symbols and pointer arrows that is utilized to depict the design characteristics of a websites menu-flow, page-order, and logic path.

In designing the website keep in mind that as much useful, high quality, informative, data about the business or industry the website is focused on should be included throughout the site itself.  A glossary of terms that relate to the industry the website specializes in would be a good place to start.  Another very useful inclusion could be a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page that describes in detail the most common questions relating to the website’s area of business, with descriptive answers.  When it comes to SEO, there can never be too much information included in a website as long as it is all completely original unique content (unless references are duly noted).

Original content means copying pages of data from the Wikipedia, or using content pages found on other websites or even ‘lifting’ excerpts of content from other websites simply will not work.  Plagiarized content ‘lifted’ from other sources without express consent can also be a source of legal concern.  This is one place where Google in particular, is very good at detecting copied content and will give no SEO advancement for such material included in one’s website.  If a business owner is not able to author original content themselves it would be advisable to hire someone to write original content for the website.  Original content is just as important if not more important than any other aspect of achieving good SEO results.

Additionally, there are many so called ‘article submission’ websites that are available to host uploaded content articles written about almost any subject.  As a matter of fact it is very possible that you may be reading this article on an article submission site at this very moment.  The purpose, in SEO, to the process of uploading and submission of articles to these types of websites is twofold:  first, popular article submission sites have thousands of guests each day which is a huge potential market for readers of the submitted articles and second, as an author one is allowed to create a signature that can include a link that directs traffic back to the website of the author’s choice.

This brings us to the topic of links, and more specifically ‘backlinks’.  The term backlink refers to a hypertext link, which is located on an external website that links, references, or points back to one’s own website.  A ‘backlink’ is made up of two parts: 1. The ‘URL’ of the destination site (or the site the link is pointing to), and 2. the ‘anchor text’ which is made up of the ‘keyword phrase’.  An example of a ‘backlink’ written in html code would look like the following:

Your Keyword Phrase

When displayed this link would appear as:

Your Keyword Phrase

‘Your Keyword Phrase’ would be an active link pointing to the ‘url’ that follows the ‘href’ in the link statement above. (Please be sure to remove the asterisks – I used them only to prevent the link from becoming active.)

In the early days of the Internet backlinking was the holy grail of SEO.  One merely needed to acquire many, many links pointing back to one’s website to achieve a very high position within the result set of a search engine.  At that time it was mainly just the quantity of backlinks that determined a websites PR and not the quality of the incoming links.  Those days, I’m afraid, are long, long, gone.  The search engines are much ‘smarter’ today and the number of backlinks is not nearly as important as the ‘quality’ of the backlink in determining whether or not the backlink will provide a benefit to SEO at all.

To prevent the misuse of link farming and other types of link manipulation the use of the ‘no follow’ attribute has been implemented.  When the use of the ‘no follow’ attribute is applied to a link it directs the search engine to award no PR or ‘PageRank’ (PageRank will be explained in a moment) benefit to the landing site no matter how high the ‘PageRank’ of the referring site may be.  This has been successful in helping to reduce the amount of spamming and ‘spamdexing’.

Other methods that were once popular but are no longer effective include:  keyword stuffing, the use of hidden or invisible text, the use of unrelated hidden content with high search volume, and Meta tag stuffing.  If you are solicited by a business that mentions any of these techniques as a means to improve your SEO be sure NOT to do business with them!  None of these methods work at all anymore.

At this point it becomes necessary to discuss PR or PageRank.  PageRank is the method of grading a websites ‘authority’ or importance on the web and the process was developed primarily by researcher Larry Page (hence the name ‘Page’ Rank) at Stanford University as part of a research project.  Page and another researcher named Brin later founded Google and took the technology with them and it is still the basis of the Google search engine and search tools to this day.

A website’s PageRank is a numerical weight ranging from 0 to 10 that is assigned to a website based upon, among other things, the quantity of and the PageRank of the external websites that link in or have inbound links that refer to the target site.  A website that has many inbound links from websites that have high PageRank themselves will in turn be given a high PageRank as well.  According to Google’s website the PageRank is calculated by ‘considering more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms.’

Needless to say trying to understand an algorithm this complex exactly will never be possible but there are still many things that can be done to boost a sites PR and help improve its placement in search engine results.

We have discussed the importance of a high quality website design, the need for very informative original content, article submissions, backlinking and PageRank.  This would be a good time to begin discussing the process of determining keywords and keyword phrases.

Selecting the correct keywords and keyword phrases to focus the SEO efforts on can determine whether or not it will be possible to successfully achieve the intended result.  It is very important to take the time to do some research on competition and keyword popularity.  In general the most common terms that describe a business would be the best place to start.  For instance if you own a business that provides roofing contracting services keywords that you might consider focusing on might be ‘Roofing Contracting’ or ‘Roofing Contractor’.

Google provides a tool that displays the average number of searches for selected keyword phrases.  You can find this tool by searching Google for ‘keyword tool’.  After entering the keyword or keyword phrase and pressing the ‘search’ button a page of results will be displayed that indicate the number of times the particular keyword(s) has been searched for on average each month.

Also displayed are many other similar phrases that most closely match the keywords that were searched for.  Take the time to scroll through this list and many good alternative phrases can be found in this way.  Choosing the phrase that has the most searches and most closely matches the website’s line of business is a solid practical approach.

San Antonio SEO

Organic SEO – The Google ‘Sweet Spot’

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing one’s website to improve the position in which the website will appear within the search results obtained from a search engine based on specific keyword phrases.

To operate a business today without the benefit of an online presence is very difficult. The convenience and abundance of information available over the Internet has created an expectation that any serious business should have a website providing at minimum contact information and a basic description of the services and/or products they have available.

Today nearly every business regardless of size or field of business has some sort of web site or blog available online. For the consumer this is a fantastic resource, available 24 hours a day and in the privacy of the home as well.

For the business owner having a repository to post detailed information about the services one provides, business philosophy, product catalogues, pictures, videos, and detailed descriptions of products including prices, provides a fantastic marketing opportunity.

Herein lies the rub; every single competing business owner knows these same facts. Even for somewhat obscure business’ there can be literally thousands of (if not more) competing web sites, providing similar products or services, vying for the same top billing spots.

When the average consumer decides to look up a business on the Internet 69.5 percent of the time he or she will use Google to perform the search (according to research firm Hitwise for f.y.2008). Yahoo and Microsoft make up the majority of the remaining search queries with AOL coming in a distant 4th (although AOL actually uses Google’s results).

According to marketing research conducted by Chitika, a search based advertising network, the top ‘organic’ position in Google drove 34.35% of all traffic in the sample. This was almost equal to the combined traffic from positions 2 through 5, and was more than the combined total of positions 5 through 20. Organic spot number 1 is worth almost exactly double what organic spot number 2 is worth, and the drop is precipitous thereafter.  This is what I like to call the Google ‘Sweet Spot’.

Achieving that coveted number 1 organic spot on Google for a specific keyword phrase can double the amount of traffic a website can expect to receive over the second position. For an online business today, with margins as small as they are now, this could be the difference between business success and business failure.

San Antonio SEO