Details for Social Bookmarking Module

Name:Social Bookmarking Module

07-12-2011 - Now includes Google +1.

07-11-2011 - Fixed formatting issue.

No need to register on our site to download this extension.

Our Social Bookmarking Module allows guests and members on your website to Bookmark any page they find interersting on your site on the top Social Bookmarking sites by simply clicking on the icon for the Social Bookmarking site in the module. Clicking the Icon Link in the module will automatically take your guest directly to the Bookmark page on the selected site if they are logged in. The Social Bookmarking sites that are currently supported are: Bibsonomy, Blinklist, Connotea, Delicious, Digg, Diigo, Dropjack, Dzone, Facebook, Fark, Faves, Folkd, Friendfeed, Furl, Google, Google Buzz, Identica, Jumptags, Kirtsy, Linkagogo, Linkedin, Misterwong, Myspace, Newsvine, Propeller, Reddit, Simpy, Slashdot, Stumbleupon, and Twitter.

More Social Bookmarking sites will be added soon.

Some cool features included:

> Web 2.0 Style Icons
> 5 Icon Sizes to Choose From: 64px, 48px, 32px, 24px, 16px.

This Module is Completely Free!

To install simply enter the joomla administrator panel from your website and use the menu to locate 'extensions'. From the dropdown menu select 'install/uninstall'. Browse to the location where you have saved the extension (after you have downloaded it from our website). Next push the button labeled 'upload and install'. Now navigate to the module manager and find the module labeled, 'Social Bookmarking'. Choose which Bookmarking sites that you wish to display, save the changes. Your Finished! Have fun!

The backlink in this extension to our site can be turned on or off if you choose.

What are the advantages to Social Bookmarking?

Social Bookmarking refers to web based applications that enable us to store bookmarks online instead of in our favourites or bookmarks on our computers. The immediate advantage of this is that we can access our bookmarked sites from any computer - even a mobile phone.

Social bookmarking is bait for the search engines. By posting in your blog and bookmarking on a regular basis you will get the search engines showing up at your site for example and putting your article on page one for the keyword phrase you are targeting. This also gets them spidering your blog more regularly which can lead to more traffic on some of your other posts.

Social bookmarking can lead to many things. Certainly getting your article read can create credibility for you. It can also lead to traffic, repeat traffic, referrals, join ventures, sales, newsletter sign-ups, comments on your blog posts, emails from your readers.

Whenever you bookmark a website, it will definitely be indexed by search engine like Google almost instantly. Another big advantage is you can get all favorite websites at a single place. You can easily visit these Social Bookmarking websites from any place in the world just by logging in to the social website. Ultimately you are promoting your website by performing social bookmarking.

Not only does social bookmarking drive traffic to your site, it creates a source of passive income through the increased number of qualified visitors who find your site due to SEO and viral marketing results.

Social bookmarking is a great SEO tool for a number of reasons. The first is that it creates additional inbound links to your content, which is always a good way to gain the attention of search engine bots and increase your page ranking.

Don't forget to Google+1 this page on our Social Bookmarking Module on the left!

social bookmarking
Filesize:196.81 kB
Filetype:zip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Created On:07/07/2011 22:09
Maintained by:Editor
Hits:1351 Hits
Last updated on:07/21/2011 22:26